How to Reduce E-waste

How to Reduce E-waste

E-waste is a global problem that we need to start tackling now to help cut back on its environmental impact. Besides, it's not just hazardous to your health. This article will offer tips on reducing your e-waste footprint and helping us save more of our planet.

What is E-waste?

E-waste is any material created or used in a digital or electronic format that can no longer be recycled or reused. It can include old computers, phones, DVDs, cartridges, and other electronics.

Electronic components have different properties that make them hazardous, depending on their condition and density. In the end, most electronics contain some form of toxic materials, including cadmium, mercury, and lead, which pose serious environmental and health risks.

Types of E-waste

Around 50 million tonnes of e-waste is generated yearly, more than the weight of all commercial airplanes ever made. If nothing changes, it is estimated that the annual amount of e-waste could double by 2050. 

There are different types of e-waste, and it’s important to know what belongs where if you want to help reduce the amount of waste created by electronic devices. Here are a few types of e-waste:

  • Home appliances: microwaves, heaters, and fans;
  • Communication and information technology devices;
  • Home entertainment devices: televisions, stereos, Blu-ray players;
  • Electronic utilities: lamps, massage chairs;
  • Office and medical equipment: printers, defibrillators

Many people don’t even realize they’re creating e-waste. Most people think of e-waste as old electronics being disposed of in landfills, but that’s not the only place e-waste ends up. Many still think of electronic equipment as being new and in perfect condition when it’s not.

What happens to our devices when we get rid of them?

Out of all discarded electronics, only about 20% is recycled through organized and regulated channels, while most e-waste ends up in landfills or is managed informally. Even the EU, considered a global leader in e-waste sustainability, controls less than one-third of its electronics appropriately.

E-waste in landfills pollutes soil and groundwater. The informal and unregulated management of e-waste poses a severe risk to the health and well-being of workers and communities.

It happens due to the significant amounts of harmful components such as mercury, lead, bromine, and arsenic our devices contain. Long-term exposure to these substances could lead to kidney damage, skin diseases, and lung cancer.

How to Reduce E-waste

There are several ways to reduce your e-waste footprint. Here are a few tips:

  1. Recycle your electronics. Old electronics can be recycled through local recyclers or by taking them to a donation center;
  2. Donate your electronics. If you no longer need an old electronic device, consider donating it to a charity that will recycle it;
  3. Purge your electronic files. If you don’t need an old electronic file, you can delete it to free up space on your hard drive;

The use of cloud storage for photos and videos like Google Photos or iCloud, instead of leaving them on your computer, keeps them safe and accessible from anywhere.

Help by saving energy

Another measure that helps is reducing the amount of energy used by your electronics. Make sure you turn off unnecessary appliances when you're not using them and unplug devices when you're not using them.

Decrease the Footprint of E-Waste while saving money

One of the most important things we can do to reduce our environmental footprint is to reduce our e-waste. On top of recycling and selling our used electronics, we should consider a new way of buying our next electronic devices.

Here at Popsy, we help the planet by giving iPhones, MacBooks, Ipads, and Samsung smartphones a second chance. For every purchase, you save 70.000 liters of water, plus reduce 90% carbon footprint.

Check out the link below to help the environment by purchasing a luxury refurbished electronic device for up to 70% off and with a 12-month warranty.

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