Recent Trends in the Market for Refurbished Devices

Recent Trends in the Market for Refurbished Devices

The refurbished device market has skyrocketed in popularity over the last few years, with more and more people turning to this cost-effective alternative to buying brand-new models. This trend has been especially true for smartphones, with the increasingly expensive prices of new models driving customers towards cheaper options. With the growing demand for refurbished devices, manufacturers have responded by creating an ever-growing range of different types of products. In this article, we will take a look at some of the recent trends in the market for refurbished devices and what this could mean for future buyers of an iPhone 5s.

Benefits of Refurbished Devices

One of the primary benefits of a refurbished device is that it allows consumers to get their hands on the latest technology while avoiding high prices. A refurbished device can often be found at a fraction of its original retail price and so offers consumers access to technology without having to spend a fortune. Furthermore, many refurbished devices come with warranties which can provide additional peace of mind when buying from an unknown seller. Finally, purchasing a refurbished device helps reduce e-waste as it gives old electronics another lease on life.

iPhone Refurbishments

When it comes to Apple’s iPhones, there are two main options available in terms of refurbishment: “Grade A+” and “Grade B”. An iPhone that has been given Grade A+ certification is generally considered to be in ‘like new’ condition and includes all accessories that would come with a standard purchase. By contrast, Grade B iPhones may have some cosmetic damage or signs of wear but should still be completely functional and often include most accessories such as power cables and headphones.

Recent Trends in Refurbisher Quality Control

Over the past few years, there have been noticeable trends in terms of how manufacturers handle quality control when it comes to their sales of refurbished devices. While previously only unopened returns were accepted for sale as certified pre owned devices, many companies are now starting to accept opened returns too if they meet certain criteria regarding functionality and cosmetic condition. This level of stringent quality control ensures that customers are getting a product which is up to the same standards as one purchased brand new from the store or online retailer.

Used Devices versus Certified Pre Owned Devices The difference between used devices and certified pre owned ones lies mainly in who performs the quality control check after purchase: either an individual seller or an official manufacturer/vendor respectively. Although both types can offer significant savings compared to buying brand-new items, certified pre-owned versions often offer greater peace-of-mind when it comes to ensuring that you are getting what you paid for (functionally speaking). Additionally, many vendors offer extended warranties on their certified pre owned items which further adds to consumer confidence when making their purchase decision – something which cannot be guaranteed with used items bought through third-party sellers like eBay or Craigslist.


In conclusion, there has been huge surge in interest recently regarding purchasing certified pre owned or used devices rather than spending large amounts on brand-new models straight from the manufacturer/vendor store shelves or websites; this trend applies largely but not exclusively when it comes Apple iPhones like the 5S model mentioned above (and indeed any other model). The combination of lower prices alongside added levels of consumer confidence thanks mostly due stringent quality checks by vendors means that customers now no longer need worry about whether they're getting value for money - as long as they know exactly what they're expecting before hitting 'buy'.

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