How can I track my order?

We'll send you an Email & SMS (if provided) with your shipment details and tracking number so you can follow your parcel. You have also two other ways of checking your order.

Option 1

Track your order with your Order ID number

  • 1. Search with your order ID

    On the search page, simply paste your order ID number. The order ID number will be emailed to you along with your order confirmation.

  • 2. Check your order status and details

Track your order here

Search Order

Option 2

Track your order directly on your account

  • 1. Click on your account

  • 2. Select the order you want to track

Other Questions

Why hasn't my order been shipped yet?

We'll notify you once your order has been shipped by the seller.

In some instances we might need some extra days to ship your order, dependending on our seller's stock levels. While we try to avoid it as much as possible, this can sometimes lead to delays in sending your order.

If you're concerned that it won't arrive on time because it hasn't yet been shipped, double-check your address information, the size of the item you're ordering, and your payment information to ensure your order is processed as soon as possible. If necessary, we will upgrade your shipping to ensure that it arrives on time.

When will my order arrive?

You can see the estimated delivery date on the product page, including shipping options.

All orders are processed within 1-3 business days (Monday-Friday), and we'll send you an Email & SMS (if provided) with your shipment details and tracking number so you can follow your parcel and know exactly when to expect it.


Global Tracking





Middle East Tracking



My order is late, what can I do?

We apologize for the incovenience. You can contact us at with your order details and we will get back to you as fast as possible.

Can I cancel my order?

When a cancellation request is made, the order status will be reviewed. If the order has already been dispatched, the customer must pay the shipping fees in order to cancel it; however, if the item has not yet been shipped, the cancellation can be made immediately and without incurring any further costs.

Can I change or modify my order?

For unshipped orders, contact our support team ASAP. Shipped orders can't be modified.

What are Popsy’s Shipping Options?

Popsy users and guests can select their preferred shipping option during checkout, and we'll provide you an estimated delivery date for each item in your bag based on your shipping choices, the delivery address, and the location of the item(s). The following shipping options are available to you:


Free Shipping

5 - 7 days delivery


Premium Shipping

3 - 5 days delivery. Cost varies depending on delivery location

Please note, premium shipping may not be available for your location, we will give you options during checkout.

I haven't received the order confirmation email yet. Can you re-send it?

Re-sending the order confirmation email is not an active function at the moment.

If you haven't received your confirmed order email yet, make sure that:

- You registered the correct email

- Make sure you check your inbox for the email registered against your order.

- Check your Junk or Spam folders.

If you still can’t find it, contact our customer service crew at

Where does Popsy ship from?

Popsy ships worldwide. We have several sellers located in Asia, North America, Europe and The Middle East. Typically, we will ship your packages from the nearest seller that has your items in stock. If you are ordering from outside the country, we will cover all customs fees, so you don't have to worry about that.

Why are you asking for my ID?

Depending on the country and region, some customs offices require the recipient to show identification before releasing a package. A national ID number, a photograph of ID, or another document may be required by the carrier or Popsy.

  • Please note that the name on the ID shared must match the details on your order.
  • The ID must show the face of the owner clearly
  • The buyer must be of legal age

The following countries, regions, and jurisdictions may require an ID number: Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Guatemala, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Mexico, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Peru, Portugal, Qatar, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay.

Will I receive a confirmation phone call before delivery happens?

In some instances the carrier may contact you to collect more information to complete the delivery.

Still need help?

Contact us at or click on the button below.

Contact us